Assalamualaikum & Selamat Siang^^
Sesetengah orang seronok. Sebab hari ni hari Jumaat. Esok cuti sehingga ahad. Bagi ary buat masa ini, every day is my working day. Every day kena bangun pukul 6.30 dan bekerja serta berusaha sehingga petang.
Isnin hingga Jumaat bekerja. Sabtu dan Ahad, menghala ke Sunway University untuk kelas Career Development Program. Ibu tanya, "Penat tak?"

Tak terjawab soalan tu. For sure, penat sebab tak ada masa berehat. Balik dari kerja pon, sambung study di rumah pada waktu malam. Business part time lagi, banyak betul design pending. Frankly, i'm out of my mind already.
But then, I'm thinking, semua orang yang hebat-hebat turut mempunyai 24jam sehari. Kenapa mereka boleh, ary tak? So, ary kuatkan diri, In shaa Allah. Mr Teo, one of Sunway's lecturer ada berkata, "U need 2 things to be successful - consistency & discipline. Once u can be consistent in what u do, and u're discipline in doing it, you don't have to worry about anything,".
erk. sejak bile jd busy women ni? ape2 pon, kesihatan mesti jaga okay. all the best ary. you can do it because you are the best! :) #love
Hey! I came across your Instagram account as I was searching on the hastag of Sunway university. I was just wondering, are you living on campus? I would be delighted if you are able to contact me. I'm going to enroll myself there soon, in Shaa Allah. Contact me on Instagram if you will - eezieylotts. I followed you already :)
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